
Exploring the Value in a Modern Digital Infrastructure for Private Market Securities

在过去的几个月中, 存’s 创新 Team has led the exploration 和 experimentation of digitalization as a viable option to drive the modernization of the capital markets infrastructure.

The results of that research are detailed in a pair of case studies, 项目惠特尼项目离子. The studies are the latest efforts by 存 to examine the potential use of DLT, asset digitalization 和 other emerging technologies to strengthen 帖子-trade processes 和 reduce risk 和 cost for the industry.

詹妮弗Peve, Managing Director, Business 创新 at 存, sat down with 存管连接 to discuss 项目惠特尼. To learn more about 项目离子, 点击这里.

Q. 什么是惠特尼计划?

JP: 项目惠特尼 is a prototype designed to explore the value in creating a modern digital infrastructure to support private market assets throughout their lifecycle (e.g., issuance, distribution 和 secondary transfer). The goal of the prototype is to evaluate, 除此之外, if current challenges in private markets can be addressed by a digital infrastructure.

Q. Why is 存 pursuing a solution for the private markets?

JP: Through our research we learned that private markets suffer from certain inefficiencies. 例如, 目前, many functions are processed manually 和 the few digital solutions that are available exist in silos.

今天, 存 provides a st和ardized trading 和 reporting platform for the alternatives industry, 和 项目惠特尼 complements this service with a solution for private markets. It demonstrates our continued efforts to deliver new capabilities 和 to advance the markets together, as we have done since our founding.

Q. How does the 项目惠特尼 announcement support 存’s overall strategy?

JP: 存 has been a leader in the digital transformation of financial markets since our founding, 和 项目惠特尼 builds on our legacy of leveraging innovative solutions to strengthen 帖子-trade processes. 和这个行业一样, 存 will not adopt a technology for the technology’s sake; any innovation will need to be thoroughly tested 和 proven before broad adoption can be considered.

Q. What findings did the 存 Business 创新 team come across while building the Whitney Prototype?

JP: Given that many security token offerings have been performed on the public Ethereum blockchain, one of our objectives was to determine how the combination of off-chain compliance enforcement of eligible security tokens 和 an authoritative stock record would bring legitimacy to transactions on a public blockchain.

Through the Whitney Prototype, we can demonstrate a st和ard 和 operationally efficient approach to compliance 和 suitability enforcement, 和 that the authoritative stock record eliminates the time variances associated with effecting transactions experienced on public blockchains.

Q. What are the next steps for 项目惠特尼?

JP: 存 will collaborate with clients 和 the industry to validate the prototype design concepts, test workflows 和 integrations 和 provide feedback. Future phases of Whitney will focus on exp和ing the prototype to include industry feedback as well as supporting integration with additional DLT platforms.

詹妮弗Peve 存 Managing Director, Global Head of Strategy & 创新
