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By 马特•约翰逊, 存 Director, ITP Product Management & Industry Relations | 4 minute read | March 30, 2022

Continuing compliance and cost pressures, combined with large transaction volumes in the cash securities market, 是否为vnsr威尼斯城官网登入业创造了一个机会,以改进其交易后处理方法. 消除冗余和提高效率应该被优先考虑,而这正是标准的关键所在. 对市场参与者来说,好消息是,朝着这些优先事项努力的工作已经在进行中.


More specifically, 市场参与者和市场基础设施提供商正致力于为现金证券交易创建和采用唯一交易标识符(UTI), 这将使交易的所有各方能够在任何给定时间跟踪任何给定交易的状态. 进一步, 交易双方及其代理利用的通用且唯一的标识符可以降低操作风险,例如将交易后功能应用于错误的交易, resulting in greater risk mitigation for the financial services industry.

In the derivatives space, UTI have been leveraged for a number of years. 源于2009年二十国集团匹兹堡峰会达成的协议,该协议要求向注册交易存储库报告交易,以提高场外衍生品市场的透明度,以识别和减轻系统性风险, 2012年,美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)在交易报告中引入了名为“唯一互换标识符”(USI)的双元素标识符. CPMI-IOSCO then created the single-element two-part UTI—modelled on the USI, but expanded to make it more generic.

现金证券的UTI开发不需要从头开始- UTI标准ISO 23897:2020是由证券业于2020年8月创建的,用于场外交易(OTC)衍生品报告, and has the potential to be broadened to include other types of transactions as well.

Four benefits of UTI

The benefits of creating a UTI are significant. 第一个, 跨所有平台的唯一标识符将使交易的进展更加可见, allowing for the efficient identification of problem trades to counterparties. This capability is more important than ever, 鉴于最近实施的结算纪律制度(SDR)规定,逾期结算的交易将受到经济处罚. With UTI in place, 交易对手之间可以更快地交换有关问题交易的问题, and the exception management process could be expedited, enabling a swifter achievement of settlement finality.

第二个, 这种更快结算的实现——由联合汇兑实现——可能有助于最大限度地减少对逾期结算的罚款,比如特别提款权施加的罚款, 它还将提高运营弹性并帮助降低运营风险——这是该行业的一个关键优先事项,因为2019冠状病毒病大流行进一步强调了强有力的贸易后实践的重要性. 更高的结算效率也将有利于市场参与者,因为他们正在为预计将于2024年生效的美国现金证券结算周期加速做准备.

第三, UTI将大大减少与交易对手之间的贸易状况沟通有关的成本. 目前确定交易状态和地点的沟通过程是高度人工和时间密集的, as it requires all the information pertaining to that trade, including the ISIN, and the name/quantity of securities traded. 由于欧洲现金股票市场的分散性,这种好处在欧洲、中东和非洲地区表现得尤为明显. 在欧洲市场追踪一笔交易要比在其他市场更具挑战性, such as across Asia and the US, 因为仅在欧洲就有40多个中央证券存管机构和200多个托管人/分托管人.

Finally, a UTI will improve workflow processes such as the sourcing of data. 这将有助于作出更好的决策,并确定实现解决所需的任何补救行动. In a recent Swift whitepaper on the topic, estimated savings from adopting the UTI, based on working group discussions, 将包括“将需要与交易对手进行积极调查的结算前匹配和定时例外数量减少50% ?, as well as a reduction in the number of matching or timing fails by 90%.”

The good news is that progress is underway. The utility of a UTI is based on usage at the beginning of the trade lifecycle. We, 在存, are proposing that the UTI be generated in our global trade agreements platform, 中医, 使其能够在分配级别上与交易生命周期中的第一个实体进行分配. 之后, 它将被传递给我们的结算管理解决方案,以指导全球托管人. 托管人将获取UTI并将其传递给子托管人和存管人进行结算. 然后,UTI将通过结算状态和确认消息传递回中医. 这样的系统将使存能够为客户提供完整的交易生命周期管理,以监控结算并主动管理异常. 除了, UTI可以潜在地用于管理交易后结算头寸对账问题,以及由于特别提款权预计将上升的后期结算索赔.

目前普遍的共识是,在现金证券市场实施全行业交易标识符将提供巨大的效率和降低风险的好处. In order for a UTI system to be workable and deliver the intended benefits, it is critical for 帖子-trade entities to be able to accept a UTI. 我们相信,实施全行业UTI的好处是如此之大,以至于所有的贸易后供应商都将有动力接受它.

This article was originally published in Funds Europe on March 14, 2022.

马特•约翰逊, 存 Director, ITP Product Management
马特•约翰逊 存 Director, ITP Product Management & Industry Relations

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